Paying Homage to the Past
Breaking Barriers and Building Legacies: Three Generations of Women at Studio IDC + An Interview with Founder Stephanie Tyler
Mar 29, 2023 8:29:15 AM / by Trisha Brookbank posted in Insider, Miami Residential Interior Design, Family Business, Miami Interior Designers
All in the Family: An Interview with Trisha Brookbank, VP and Daughter of Studio IDC President Stephanie Tyler
Jan 31, 2023 12:38:08 PM / by Studio IDC posted in caribbean interior design, Miami Residential Interior Design, Family Business, Miami Interior Designers, Caribbean Boutique Hospitality Interior Design
As Studio IDC celebrates its 25th year – a key milestone particularly in the interior design industry – the team took a moment to reflect on where the studio began and how far it has come. And although many things have evolved over the years, one thing has remained: a focus on family.